Gynecological Osteopathy

What is gynecological osteopathy?

Gynecological osteopathy is a painless therapy to treat problems associated with the reproductive system. The treatment with this technique will be aimed at locating and addressing the source of the problem and, as a result, also treat the symptoms and improve the quality of life of the patient. It is based on manipulating the structures and soft tissues of the body to restore or balance the normal functioning of the body.

Why is it performed?

Gynecological osteopathy is used to address gynecological problems:

  • Associated with menstruations, such as dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain), menstrual regulation or amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).
  • Certain cases of infertility: pelvic malpositions, poor vascularization, scarring, stress, uterine or ovarian ligamentous and muscular tensions.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse).
  • Pelvic floor pain or problems.
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Uterine prolapse
  • Problems associated with menopause
  • Scars from episiotomies, cesarean sections or other interventions.

What does it consist of?

The objective of gynecological osteopathy is to alleviate or improve the discomfort of the lower abdominal and pelvic area and those comprising the reproductive system, as well as its symptoms. To achieve this, osteopaths mobilize the pelvis and tissues, which may have less movement due to internal adhesions or fixations due to muscular tensions of the organs. Thanks to maneuvers performed with the hands, osteopaths are able to increase the circulation of the tissues.

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Depending on the origin, the treatment may affect some areas or others: cranial (stress, hormonal alterations), diaphragm, pelvis… Also, sometimes it is necessary to perform techniques internally, if there are uterine malpositions or internal scars. However, although they are not painful procedures, the patient must always agree.

Preparation for gynecological osteopathy

No preparation should be made prior to gynecologic osteopathy. In fact, osteopathy does serve as a preparation for pregnant women in preparation for childbirth.

Care after the intervention

There is no special care to be taken into account after gynecological osteopathy, but it is true that the doctor, during the process, manipulates the lower abdomen area, so the patient may feel slightly uncomfortable or tired. However, the benefits will be superior, so you will soon notice improvement.