
What is rhinomanometry?

Rhinomanometry is a technique used as a diagnostic test in the field of Allergology and Otolaryngology and is used to study the flow of air through the nostrils during breathing. Between inspiration and expiration the air passes through the nostrils, with rhinomanometry the air flow is measured at different pressures and detects possible obstructions or resistance to its passage.

To carry out the study, a rhinomanometer -a device that measures air flow and air resistance- connected to a computer that records the results is necessary. The test lasts a few minutes.

Why is rhinomanometry performed?

Rhinomanometry can be used to check if there is any type of alteration that offers resistance to air passing through the nostrils, both at the moment of inspiration and during expiration.

Thus, this test can detect the presence of inflammation in the nasal mucosa, polyps, turbinate hypertrophy, a deviation in the nasal septum… Once the results are obtained, the specialist will assess whether or not these alterations deserve surgical treatment.

Rhinomanometry can detect problems and defects in the nose.

Preparation for rhinomanometry

To carry out a rhinomanometry study it is not necessary to prepare excessively. The patient should come to the consultation simply with proper nasal hygiene to be able to perform the test without problems.

At the same time, smoking is not recommended for at least 48 hours prior to the test.

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What does rhinomanometry feel like?

During the test the patient will feel absolutely nothing, since it is a non-invasive and completely painless test.

At the same time, it should be noted that the test does not put the patient’s health at risk at any time.

Meaning of abnormal results

Rhinomanometry will detect the existence or not of problems in the nose such as the level of resistance found in the air, if there are any deformities or resistances, if there is an inflammation in the mucosa or if there are polyps.

Depending on the pathologies detected, the specialist will have to assess whether it is necessary to carry out some kind of surgery or change in the structure of the nose.