
What is rhinofibroscopy?

Rhinofibroscopy is a multifunctional study performed in the ENT specialist’s office that allows visualization of the nose, neck and larynx. It is performed with a flexible fiber optic instrument with a cold light source, a camera and a monitor. This allows for easy and direct examination of body cavities that are difficult to see.

Rhinofibroscopy makes it possible to detect pathologies in the respiratory tract.

What does it consist of?

Rhinofibroscopy is performed by means of a flexible fiber optic tube, which is introduced through the nose. It lasts approximately 3 minutes and is performed in the doctor’s office. Local anesthesia or no anesthesia may be used, depending on each case.

Why is it performed?

It is performed to diagnose pathologies or dysfunctions in the respiratory tract. The fact of obtaining images and video is very useful to be able to explain to the patient the nature of his pathology and at the same time keep a record that will allow to evaluate the pathology and its evolution over time, with the treatments applied.

With this procedure all pathologies of the hypopharynx and larynx that alter in any way the shape, color or appearance of the structures can be detected.

Preparation for rhinofibroscopy

No previous preparation is required from the patient. Only the indications of the professional should be followed and, if necessary, he/she will indicate the procedures to follow. Only in some cases local anesthesia will be necessary in the nostril through which the fiberscope is introduced (nasal septum deviation or any nasal pathology).

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What does it feel like during the examination?

It is a slightly uncomfortable exploration, due to the fact of introducing a foreign body through the nose and producing a small friction in the nasal or pharyngeal mucosa. Therefore, a little anesthesia may be necessary in very specific cases. It is rare for the test to cause nausea, but this also depends on the sensitivity of the patient. In such a case, some anesthesia will be used.

Meaning of abnormal results

It is a very useful and quick technique to detect pathologies or dysfunctions in these structures. Any abnormal result will be easily detected and treated by the specialist. However, the fact that the fiberscope is equipped with a small camera, allows a very accurate diagnosis of any anomaly of the airways.