Chronobiological study

What is chronobiological study?

It is a scientific discipline that studies the temporal organization of living beings, its alterations and the mechanisms that regulate it. In other words, it studies the temporal cycles of living beings and how they influence and determine biological processes.

For this purpose, the patient is fitted with a wristwatch that allows the recording of his physical activity, position, body temperature and ambient light.

What is the purpose of the chronobiological study?

The chronobiological study makes it possible to determine the periodicity of a biological rhythm which, in turn, makes it possible to program the functioning of the organism.

We are often unaware of the rhythm of life we lead, of how much we move and of the regularity or irregularity of our schedules.

The chronobiological study makes it possible to record objective data that help to find a solution to reverse the effects of sleep disorders.

What does it consist of?

It is a science based on experimentation that is composed of a complex system integrated by:

  • Biological clocks of different duration and endogenous clocks integrated in living beings.
  • Exogenous synchronizers.
  • Multiple biological rhythms of different duration.

The diagnostic test is simple and does not involve any discomfort for the patient. In fact, they have to continue with their routine and carry on with life as normal.

In which cases is it used?

Despite the limited trajectory of chronobiology as a science, the possibilities of application are infinite. Today this discipline is used for studies in genetics, endocrinology, ecology, sports medicine and psychology.

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Its range also extends to neuroscience, the science of sleep and the study of the behavior of organisms.

In fact, insomnia is one of the main disorders detected through chronobiological studies.