
What is otoplasty?

Otoplasty is the facial surgery that aims to correct and reshape prominent ears, improving their proportion and position. The intervention is in charge of resituating protruding ears that are too far from the skull, as well as reducing their size if they are excessively large, reshaping the hanging lobe or recreating the outer fold if necessary.

Depending on the patient’s age, the procedure can be performed under general or local anesthesia.

Why is it performed?

It is performed to reduce the shyness and embarrassment caused in the patient by having an unusual shape in the ears.

In children, the surgery can be performed from five or six years of age, when the growth of the ears is almost finished.

What does it consist of?

Normally the procedure consists of a small incision behind the ear to reshape the cartilage and make it fold in the appropriate areas. In this way, a more natural ear is achieved and the scar is hidden from the back of the ear.

Preparing for otoplasty

  • Before undergoing otoplasty, women should confirm with their surgeon if they are or may be pregnant.
  • During the week prior to surgery, the patient may need to take blood thinners to make it difficult for the blood to clot. If during the days prior to the surgery the patient suffers from fever, herpes or any other illness, he/she should inform the medical specialist.
  • On the day of surgery the patient should fast.
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Care after surgery

After surgery, the ears are covered with a bandage that is removed after two to four days. A light girdle or head band should be worn for two to three weeks to help the area heal.

What specialist treats it?

The specialist who performs the otoplasty is the plastic surgeon, who will perform a study for