Chronic degenerative pain

What is chronic degenerative pain?

Pain is a signal that activates the nervous system when something in our body is damaged or not working properly. Different sensations can be experienced, ranging from a prickling, tingling, burning or discomfort. There are two types of pain: acute and chronic.

The latter, unlike acute pain, lasts for weeks, months or even years and in some cases even interferes with our daily activities. On the other hand, the term degenerative refers to a state in which the structure of the affected organs or tissues worsens over time.

It occurs because the body’s regeneration mechanisms do not work properly and damage the function and structure of organs, tissues and cells.

What are the symptoms?

Chronic pain can be present in any part of the body and those who manifest it usually suffer from:

  • Headache.
  • Back pain.
  • Arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Pain caused by nerve damage.

What are its causes?

The causes of chronic degenerative pain are diverse, but mainly respond to:

  • Chronic disorders: cancer, diabetes or arthritis.
  • Injuries: related to ligaments, herniated discs and back problems.
  • Nerve damage.
  • Cartilage damage.
  • Previous surgery.
  • Primary pain disorders: the most common are fibromyalgia and chronic headaches.

Chronic pain can also appear as a consequence of an old injury, infection or other disease that the patient has suffered previously.

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How can it be prevented or avoided?

Chronic pain, in many cases, cannot be avoided. Neither do degenerative diseases, since over time they damage and worsen the structure of the affected organs or tissues.

However, the pain should not be allowed to drag on over time and it is advisable to see a physiotherapist with experience in chronic degenerative injuries as soon as possible. This will prevent further damage to the joints.

What is the treatment to be followed?

Chronic pain is not always curable, but a decrease in pain can be achieved with increased movement and improved functional recovery of the joint. For this, it is recommended to apply biostimulant physiotherapy to slow the progression of the degenerative lesion improving the patient’s quality of life.

Other types of therapy that can help relieve pain are:

  • Low impact exercises.
  • Occupational therapy.
  • Behavioral therapy: methods that help to relax and reduce stress.

Which specialist treats it?

The specialist in charge of treating chronic degenerative pain will depend on the ailment and the area to be treated.