Infectious cellulitis

What is infectious cellulitis?

Infectious cellulitis is caused by a bacterial infection that affects the upper layers of the skin, irritating and inflaming them. Despite its apparent similarity, this condition has nothing to do with common cellulite.

What are the symptoms of infectious cellulitis?

The main symptoms are:

  • Fever, chills and sweats.
  • Pain, swelling and warmth in the damaged area.
  • Hardening of the skin
  • Rashes on the epidermis

Other more serious symptoms that appear less frequently are stiffness and difficulty in moving joints or hair loss in the affected area.

Infectious cellulitis is caused by a bacterial infection.

What are the causes of infectious cellulitis?

The origin of infectious cellulitis is an infection usually caused by bacteria of the streptococcus or staphylococcus genus, which is spread by touching any object or living being that has these microorganisms. These can be accessed more easily if you have:

  • Depressed immune system
  • Superficial wounds in the body due to a fall, stings or insect bites.
  • Past peripheral vascular pathology
  • Ulcers

Can infectious cellulitis be prevented?

The first thing is to heal wounds properly, as they are one of the easiest ways for these microorganisms to enter. Other tips that can be followed are:

  • Eat a good diet
  • Keep the skin clean every day
  • Moisturize the skin
  • Avoid injuries due to small mistakes (scratching too hard, cutting your nails badly…).
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What is the treatment of infectious cellulitis?

It is advisable to treat infectious cellulitis quickly, otherwise the infection may spread into the bloodstream. Treatment is mainly based on taking antibiotics for about 10 days. Home measures such as elevating the infected area can also be taken.