
What is chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a profession that is responsible for diagnosing, treating and preventing disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and disorders that can cause nervous system function and health. It places special emphasis on the relationship of the nervous system in relation to the other systems with respect to the overall balance of the body. The treatment employs manual techniques, with specific manual adjustments.

Why is it performed?

The nervous system is protected by the bones of the skull and spine, the latter being the central axis of the locomotor system. From there extends a nerve network that branches throughout the body. The 26 segments that make up the spinal column have a certain plasticity and flexibility but, over time, their ability to function may be altered. When it occurs, interference occurs in the nervous system, which can no longer function normally, which is called vertebral subluxation. It is then that a chiropractic specialist should be consulted.

Likewise, it is also recommended for patients with common, simple or non-specific back pain. Also for neck pain and headache.

What does it consist of?

Chiropractic consists of adjusting the segments of the spine affected by vertebral subluxation, to return the spine to functional normality, eliminating the interference produced in the nervous system.

The methods used by chiropractic experts use light touches on a key point, as well as light and gentle pressure on the affected joints. This should be done on stretchers specifically designed to make adjustments in various postures, according to breathing or movements, in order to act on the spine, on the skull or other parts of the body.

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Preparation for chiropractic

It is very important to consult your doctor before going to see a chiropractor, as there are factors that may discourage its application. Thus:

– People with bleeding disorders or taking anticoagulants may be at increased risk of stroke if the spine is manipulated.

– It is not recommended for people with severe osteoporosis or women with weak bones as a result of cancer treatment, as there may be a risk of fracture during chiropractic.

– It is also not recommended if the patient notices numbness, tingling or loss of strength in an arm or leg, has cancer of the spine or excessive movement in the spine (instability).

However, in general, no special preparation is required prior to the chiropractic adjustment, other than taking into account the factors mentioned above.

Care after the procedure

Chiropractic adjustment uses harmless techniques and usually causes no side effects. However, some people experience some mild ones in the days afterward, including headache, fatigue or pain in the parts of the body treated (back, neck and head).

In general, serious complications associated with chiropractic adjustments are very rare, especially if performed by a trained specialist. If a herniated disc occurs or worsens, there is compression of the nerves of the lower spine, or there is dissection of the vertebral artery (stroke), it is imperative to see a physician.