TAC neck

What is a neck CT?

A Computed Axial Tomography is an imaging technique used to visualize the different anatomical structures located in the face and neck. By means of a CT scan, high definition radiological images can be obtained to help in the diagnosis and follow-up of pathologies found in the area.

What does it consist of?

A CT scan of the neck is a completely painless technique. The evaluation is performed by means of an X-ray machine, which is shaped like a ring. This machine surrounds the neck and takes images, providing the specialist with a visualization of the soft tissues and organs of the neck, including the muscles. These images are transmitted to a computer which records them.

The patient must remain immobile during the examination and in many cases it is necessary to administer intravenous iodinated contrast, which allows to clearly define the different structures, facilitating an adequate diagnosis. The patient is also asked not to swallow saliva.

A CT scan of the neck facilitates the detection of throat pathologies.

Why is it performed?

A CT scan of the neck makes it easier for the specialist to detect possible signs of pathologies in the throat and nearby areas. Doctors can use a CT scan of the neck to locate symptoms of infection (such as an abscess), cysts, a birth defect or tumors.

Some of the pathologies that are assessed may include:

  • Lumps in the neck
  • Inflammatory processes
  • People who have an altered swallowing ability
  • Voice alteration
  • Tumoral alterations of the salivary glands.
  • Diagnosis and study in neoplastic patients
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Preparation for a neck CT

The patient does not need to prepare for a neck CT. Only in cases with contrast, the patient must fast for four to six hours.

It is recommended that the patient does not wear jewelry or any metal element in the neck, to avoid obstruction of the images. The total duration of the test is approximately 15 minutes.

In case of pregnancy, it is important to notify the specialist, since X-rays are harmful to the fetus.

What does the examination feel like?

During the examination, the patient does not feel any pain. The only thing that can be perceived is a small increase in heat throughout the body and, for a few minutes, a kind of metallic taste.

Meaning of abnormal results

A specialist in Radiology will examine the results, interpreting and reading the results obtained. This specialist will send a report to the physician, who will present the results to the patient.

The results may indicate problems of the oral cavity, larynx or pharynx and cervical soft tissues. It also offers information of the bony structures, which can mean an affectation in neoplastic processes or infections. In this way the specialist can know the extension and epicenter of the pathology. It also allows the evaluation of palpable masses in the neck, such as a cyst, for example.


Currently it is common to perform a High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) or a Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT).

Another alternative may be an MRI, although it will depend on the situation of each patient or the clarity of the images offered.