Ear reconstruction

What is ear reconstruction?

Ear reconstruction is a technique that improves the aesthetics and functionality of the ear, improving its appearance and favoring the recovery of hearing, which is compromised in many situations (e.g. microtia).

Why is it performed?

Ear reconstruction is indicated in cases of microtia (hereditary malformation present from birth) or after resection of the organ due to tumors or traffic accidents. All these conditions cause psychological discomfort and deafness problems in patients, especially when both ears are affected.

Reconstruction of the pinna allows many patients to improve the aesthetic appearance of their ears (and, consequently, the psychological aspects) and also to recover their hearing.

Ear reconstruction allows to recover the aesthetics of the ears and in many cases also the functionality of the ear.

What does it consist of?

Traditional ear reconstruction techniques using a skin graft do not offer satisfactory results: the scar retraction of the transplanted skin affects the graft, transforming it into an unsightly and shapeless organ. For this reason, new techniques have been developed to meet the needs of each patient.

There are techniques that use costal cartilage to reconstruct the pinna, others use a porous polyethylene material and other artificial prostheses that require the implantation of titanium screws.

Preparation for ear reconstruction

In the preoperative phase the patient must undergo a specialized consultation in which routine tests will be performed. In addition, during this phase, the most appropriate technique for reconstructing the ear will be decided according to the patient’s condition and needs.

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Postoperative recovery

After the ear reconstruction, it is recommended to rest for at least 48 hours. In case of pain, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs will be prescribed to the patient. In addition, sports are not recommended and careful hygiene is recommended.