Thigh Lift

What is a thigh lift?

The thigh lift or crural meloplasty is the surgery responsible for aesthetically improving the upper legs by removing excess skin and giving it more firmness. This procedure is mostly performed in patients who have suffered a significant reduction in the volume of the legs and thighs and, consequently, suffer from excess skin.

Why is it performed?

Depending on the objective pursued, there are several types of surgery: inner thigh lift, bilateral thigh lift or medial thigh lift.

– The inner thigh lift treats problems of loss of skin elasticity and is performed through an incision made at the junction of the thigh and pubic area to remove excess skin.

– Bilateral thigh lifts are used to tighten the skin of the front and outer thigh through an incision made in the upper leg.

– The medial thigh lift reduces the excess skin of the upper inner thigh through an incision in the groin area, extending to the back of the buttock crease.

A thigh lift is used to tighten excess skin after drastic weight loss.

Preparation for a thigh lift

The patient, together with the specialist, will decide which is the most appropriate type of lifting according to their particular case. On the other hand, the recommendations to be followed before the procedure will be explained to the patient:

– Fasting time prior to surgery

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– Medication to avoid

– Antibiotic administration guidelines

Guidelines to follow after thigh lift surgery

It is essential not to do physical exercise after surgery to avoid putting stress on the sutures. After approximately three days, the bandages and drains will be removed and you will be told what type of stockings to wear. Most of the discomfort will be treated with medication, although after a week the ailments will have practically disappeared. Two weeks after the procedure the sutures will be removed and a few weeks later the legs will look normal again.