

  1. What is homeopathy?
  2. Why is it performed?
  3. What does it consist of?
  4. Preparation for homeopathy
  5. Care after homeopathy

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is part of alternative medicine that uses minute concentrations of organic substances. It was created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on the doctrine of “like cures like”: a substance that causes the same symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure similarly in sick people.

However, homeopathy is considered a pseudoscience and various medical groups have shown that its remedies are not effective but similar to placebo. In fact, homeopathy lacks biological plausibility, even contradicting scientific facts. In addition, some have considered it an unethical therapy because it increases the suffering of patients by discouraging the use of real medicine.

Homeopathy was created by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796.

Why is it performed?

Homeopathy is used to alleviate ailments. According to proponents of the therapy, it is indicated for any illness: chronic, acute, infectious, emotional or psychological. The objective of homeopathy is to achieve the global cure of the patient and not only of the disease. For this, homeopaths assure that it must be achieved with the natural stimulation of each patient.

It is used for disorders such as allergies, digestive problems, vertigo, rhinitis or musculoskeletal pain.

What does it consist of?

Homeopathy dilutes the pure substance with water or alcohol, which has animal, vegetable or mineral origin. Thus, homeopaths consider the substance to be purer. However, homeopathic remedies can also be purchased in tablets, ointments and drops.

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Instead of using drugs that eliminate the symptoms, homeopathy uses substances similar to those that create the symptoms to stimulate the body’s defenses so that it can autonomously carry out the healing process. They usually act quickly, so it is useful in emergency situations and acute illnesses.

Preparation for homeopathy

It is important that the patient knows certain aspects before going to a homeopathic consultation. First of all, it is important to warn that its effectiveness is not proven and the scientific community considers that it works in the same way as placebo; that is to say, it will act as long as the patient believes so.

If the patient does not notice improvement or effectiveness in the treatment, it may create frustration and hopelessness. Homeopathy experts recommend patience.

Care after homeopathy

No specific care is recommended after homeopathy, as it is considered a completely benign therapy that does not affect the body negatively.