No-scalpel vasectomy

Table of Contents:

  1. What is no-scalpel vasectomy?
  2. Why is it performed?
  3. What does the procedure consist of?
  4. How is the preparation?
  5. What is the care to be taken after the procedure?
  6. Are there alternatives to no-scalpel vasectomy?

What is no-scalpel vasectomy?

No-scalpel no needle vasectomy is a procedure without surgical incision to perform a partial removal of the vas deferens, which are the tubes that carry sperm out of the testicles.

Unlike a traditional vasectomy, in which a scalpel is used, this technique is performed with fixation forceps, which cause the skin to open by separating its fibers, not cutting them. The advantage is that patients have much less pain and bleeding during the procedure, as well as less hematomas, infections and other possible postoperative complications. In addition, since no cuts are required, there are no scars.

Why is it performed?

Vasectomy is one of the simplest and most effective methods of contraception. Men who do not want to have children and want a definitive treatment undergo this procedure.

No-scalpel vasectomy is performed because it is less invasive and involves less risk and bleeding, with the same effectiveness. It is also possible to avoid the initial prick for local anesthesia, since it can be applied with spray.

Vasectomy is a definitive contraceptive for men who are sure they do not want to have more children.
who are sure they do not want to have any more children.

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What does it consist of?

No-scalpel vasectomy consists of preventing sperm from moving through the vas deferens. Specific forceps designed to separate the skin and externalize the ducts are used, so that the vasectomy is performed in a less traumatic way, without cuts as in conventional vasectomy with a scalpel.

Preparation for no-scalpel vasectomy

As it is a minimally invasive treatment and without general anesthesia, it does not require special preparation beforehand, and the patient should inform the specialist about the medications he is taking, especially anticoagulants and those that control blood pressure.

Care after the procedure

Recovery after no-scalpel vasectomy usually takes a few days, during which the patient may notice discomfort and swelling in the scrotum. You will be able to return to work 1 to 3 days after the operation, while physical activity and sports may require a few more days.

The patient can have sexual intercourse normally one week after the procedure.

Alternatives to no-scalpel vasectomy

The main alternative to this procedure is the conventional vasectomy, which is performed with a scalpel and consequently, making a cut in the vas deferens. The results are equally effective, although it is a technique that requires stitches and presents a greater risk of bleeding and a more painful postoperative period.

On the other hand, there are other contraceptive methods to avoid having children, such as condoms, but they are not definitive.