
What is phlebology?

Phlebology is a medical specialty that deals with the study of the anatomy and physiology of the superficial and deep veins of the body, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of venous pathologies, such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Phlebology also deals with the prevention of complications that may arise from these pathologies, such as phlebothrombosis, thrombophlebitis and varicose ulcers that manifest with pain, lesions, bleeding and swelling in the ankles and often require hospitalization.

What diseases does phlebology treat?

The diseases treated by the cosmetic physician specializing in vascular surgery and phlebology are venous diseases, among which are the following:

  • Varicosity
  • Vascular outbreaks and dysplasia of the veins in the lower extremities.
  • Varicose veins of the perineum
  • Gluteal and labia vulvae
  • Trophic ulcers

Phlebological pathologies, which tend to be more frequent in women, have their origin in problems of poor blood circulation that produce an excessive and permanent dilation of the veins. The appearance of these diseases is associated with heredity, hormones, pregnancy and obesity.

These diseases are not only an aesthetic problem, but can produce complications that manifest themselves with the appearance of a series of symptoms such as pain, itching, cramps, fatigue, swelling, heaviness and tingling.

What subspecialties are there within phlebology?

Within phlebology there are a number of subspecialties that are used to treat venous disease. The following stand out:

  • Sclerotherapy, which is an absolutely safe, painless, non-surgical treatment that leaves no scars on the skin.
  • Laser therapy
  • Pressure therapy
  • Hydrotherapy and ozone therapy
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Ultrasound
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When to see a specialist in phlebology?

As soon as the patient begins to notice circulation-related problems or varicose veins, it is important to see a specialist for a phlebological examination. In this way, the phlebologist will be able to evaluate if the disorder is only aesthetic or if it is related to a more serious problem, which is why in some cases non-invasive studies are requested to establish the most appropriate treatment.

There are a series of symptoms that indicate when it is necessary to consult a phlebology specialist. These symptoms are:

  • Feeling of heavy or tired legs.
  • Cramps
  • Swelling of the ankles
  • Pain
  • Appearance of varicose veins or dilated superficial veins