

1. What is rhinomodelation?

2. Why is it performed?

3. What does it consist of?

4. Preparation

5. Care

6. Alternatives

What is rhinomodeling?

Rhinomodeling is a treatment that allows a reshaping of the nose without the need for surgery or a minimally invasive rhinoplasty.

The main difference between rhinomodeling and rhinoplasty is that rhinomodeling is a process of stylization of the nose that does not involve surgery and has no complications. In rhinomodeling, an attempt is made to mold some deformity or protuberance of the nose so that it is in harmony with the rest of the face, but the imperfections of the patient should not be very marked to undergo the treatment.

The rhinomodelation process does not last more than half or three quarters of an hour, does not require hospitalization and requires local anesthesia.

Why is rhinomodelation performed?

The process of rhinomodelation is performed to correct irregularities of the profile, both of the nasal ridge and nasal tip, always depending on the needs of each patient.

It is an intervention that cannot be used to correct any type of nose since it does not allow modifying the bony base, therefore it is not indicated for a very large nose or a very prominent ridge. At the same time, the imperfections that the patient wishes to modify should not be very prominent and should not be very marked, since in these cases rhinomodeling would not be effective.

For these cases there are other types of nose operations, such as rhinoplasty, which is surgery of the nose that allows correcting the functionality of the nasal appendage and modifying the bone or cartilage structures to achieve a new shape that improves facial harmony.

Rhinomodeling can correct small deformities.

What does rhinomodelation consist of?

The process of rhinomodelation has a series of phases. In this treatment, the specialist tries to mold the nose so that it forms harmony with the rest of the face.

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Thanks to the infiltration of absorbable material, rhinomodeling allows to correct small imperfections of the nose, as well as deviations, to improve slightly and aesthetically the ridge and to improve possible slight asymmetries.

Rhinomodeling is performed by means of microinjections of different filling substances; if the nose is molded by applying hyaluronic acid in the precise points, the result will last nine months since this substance is reabsorbable, so the treatment must be repeated; if a definitive result is desired, microinjections of metacrill, which is a definitive product, are applied.

Preparation for rhinomodelation

Rhinomodelation is a non-surgical procedure in which only local anesthesia is used, so complications are less than in rhinoplasty.

Even so, there are some, such as hypersensitivity or allergy reaction, the possibility of infection, asymmetries or aesthetically unsatisfactory result. In the latter case, the infiltrated hyaluronic acid could be removed with an enzymatic preparation based on hyaluronidase.

Care after rhinomodelation

After rhinoplasty patients should follow some guidelines:

  • Rest recommended by the specialist, usually 48 hours.
  • Follow medical prescriptions.
  • Avoid sleeping face down.
  • Do not perform activities that can damage the nose: sports, driving, etc..
  • Have someone who can help during the first hours.
  • Inform the specialist if you suffer pain or discomfort.
  • Avoid the use of glasses.

Alternatives to rhinomodeling

As such, it is rhinomodelation that has been presented as an alternative to rhinoplasty. However, it should be noted that it is not a substitute method, since it does not have the ability to correct or modify the nasal structure as is done in the case of rhinoplasty.

In this case, rhinomodelation arises as an alternative to rhinoplasty to make small touch-ups that in no case replaces rhinoplasty, but can be used in those people with small defects or who are afraid to undergo surgery.