Addictions to social networks

Social Network Addiction

  1. What is social network addiction?
  2. Prognosis of the disease
  3. Symptoms of social media addiction
  4. Medical tests for social network addiction
  5. What are the causes of social network addiction?
  6. Can it be prevented?
  7. Treatments for Social Networking Addiction
  8. What specialist treats it?

What is social media addiction?

Social media addiction is defined as the uncontrolled and continuous use of digital spaces such as Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. A person is addicted to social networks when he or she loses control of their use and evades the normal functioning of his or her life. The addicted person enjoys a great euphoria when using social networks without taking into account the long-term negative consequences.

Prognosis of the disease

This pathology, being an addiction, affects the different levels of the patient’s life: it prevents him from relating correctly and from carrying out his work or studies normally, as well as falling into a sedentary lifestyle and social isolation.

Symptoms of addiction to social networks

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Isolation
  • Interrupted use of social networks
  • Dependence

In addition to these psychological symptoms, there are other physical symptoms caused by the exposure of the eyes to the screens, such as dry eyes and headaches.

Medical tests for social network addiction

To detect whether a patient is addicted to social networks he or she has to undergo a psychological evaluation. Depending on the results a diagnosis and an effective treatment for the patient’s profile will be determined.

What are the causes of social network addiction?

There are different causes that make us get hooked on social networks. The main ones are:

  • Loneliness and personal difficulties: when the person feels lonely or is going through a difficult situation, he/she seeks refuge and support in social networks. In the end, a dependence on digital platforms arises because they generate positive feelings in people.
  • Feeding the ego: with social networks we seek recognition from others. Seeing that we are virtually loved feeds the ego and makes us feel better. This feeling of recognition is never enough and gets us hooked on social networks.
  • Inability to set limits: people with a lack of self-control are more likely to become addicted to social networks. They are unable to set limits and the pleasant sensations, speed and immediacy of social networks make them dependent on them.
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Can it be prevented?

Addiction to social networks can be prevented by making good use of them and setting time limits.

Treatments for social network addiction

Treatment can be psychological or pharmacological, and the first option will always be prioritized over the second. Psychological treatments are:

  • Learning relaxation techniques: in this way anxiety levels are lowered and it is possible to deal with negative ideas and eliminate them. Also, if we are calmer, the relationship with the conflicting stimulus is easier to overcome.
  • Incorporation of activities into the routine: occupying time and having goals in life helps to distance oneself from social networks.
  • Educate feelings: redirect the emotions that make us addicted to social networks into feelings of tranquility and self-control. For this, psychological support is essential, but also that of family and friends.
  • Learn to set limits: by setting limits when using social networks, we can create more spaces and different hobbies. It is about keeping busy and not focusing only on technology.

Which specialist treats it?

The specialist who treats social network addiction is the expert in Psychology or Psychiatry.