
What is asthma?

Asthma (or bronchial asthma) is a lung disease caused by inflammation and narrowing of the bronchial mucosa, preventing the proper exit of air from the lungs.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of asthma are: coughing, wheezing and chest tightness, secretions (phlegm), dyspnea (fatigue and difficulty in breathing), rhinitis, sneezing, itchy nose, etc. It can also present itself in the form of “attacks” or “asthmatic crises”.

In general, asthma affects the entire population.

Symptoms of asthma are coughing, wheezing and chest tightness.

Causes of asthma

Asthma usually begins in childhood, when it appears as a response to certain allergy-producing stimuli (pollen, dust mites, skin particles from some pets, cold air, some foods or food additives, etc.).

These agents are also the triggers of occupational asthma, typical of some trades or professions (bakers, farmers, millers, detergent manufacturers, woodworkers, plastics workers, laboratory workers, etc.).

Can it be prevented?

The prevention of asthma consists of reducing the symptoms by avoiding the causes that provoke its appearance.

What is the treatment?

The most effective treatment for asthma consists of diagnostic tests (complete blood analysis, chest X-ray, pulmonary function tests, allergy tests, etc.) and pharmacological therapy based on bronchodilators to open the airways.

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