Lidocaine perfusion

What is lidocaine perfusion?

Lidocaine is an anti-inflammatory drug with analgesic effect that, unlike other similar active ingredients, lasts longer and acts sooner (it takes approximately 20 minutes). Lidocaine perfusion works on neurons by blocking the transmission of the pain stimulus. Once the pain begins to disappear, it is processed by the kidneys and expelled with urine afterwards.

What is it used for?

Lidocaine perfusion can be used as an anesthetic or as an antiarrhythmic agent. It is mainly administered as soft tissue infiltration therapy to treat particularly acute episodes of bursitis, tennis elbow, rheumatoid arthritis, gout and post-traumatic osteoarthritis. If administered intravenously, it may prevent heart conditions such as heart attack.

Lidocaine injections are also performed during minimally invasive dental procedures (extractions or dental fillings) and cosmetic procedures (filler or collagen injections). Finally, it can be administered to women during childbirth to help with pain caused by contractions.

What does it consist of?

A lidocaine infusion is often combined with other active ingredients and injected intravenously or subcutaneously, depending on the area that needs to be treated. When given intravenously, the treatment lasts about an hour to an hour and a half, during which time the physician will monitor the heartbeat and blood pressure to avoid potential risks. As mentioned above, this drug can also be used to treat arrhythmias.

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What is the preparation like?

Before starting lidocaine injection therapy, you should inform your physician if you have any specific kidney, heart or liver conditions, if you are pregnant or if you are breastfeeding. Beyond these indications to your physician no preparation is required prior to a lidocaine injection. All you need to do is disinfect your skin and make sure all tools are sterile.

What guidelines should be followed after the procedure?

There are no specific guidelines for patient care after the injection. Only, it is important not to take any medications without first talking to your primary care physician, as there may be a drug interaction that could cause various side effects. Should you notice any swelling, breathing problems or spasms, you should consult your physician as soon as possible.