Vascular Laser

What is vascular laser?

Vascular laser (or thermocoagulation or photosclerosis) is a fast and effective way to eliminate vascular lesions in any area of the body or face. These vascular lesions include varicose veins, telangiectasias, couperose and rosacea, port wine stains, hemangiomas and angiomas, Poikiloderma of Civatte and ruby spots.

It is a treatment that allows eliminating red lesions quickly, comfortably and safely, since it does not interrupt the patient’s social and working life, and corrects the blood vessels that caused the vascular lesion without damaging the surrounding tissues.

Why is it performed?

Vascular laser is recommended for patients who have red vascular lesions in any area of the body, especially in the legs, where they cause more discomfort. However, they can also be applied to lesions of the face (facial thalangiectasias, facial erythema, ruby spots, venous lakes or others).

What does it consist of?

Vascular laser consists of applying a laser or pulse of light that passes through the skin and is transformed into heat when absorbed by the hemoglobin of the injured blood vessels. Thus, the heat coagulates the vessels and facilitates their elimination. This technique, called selective photothermolysis, progressively reduces the size of the vascular lesions and, as a consequence, the pain (especially in the case of legs), without affecting the rest of the skin.

During the treatment, the specialist will cover the patient’s eyes with protective goggles. Subsequently, the laser will be applied on the lesions, so the patient may notice a slight burning. At the end of the treatment you may notice a slight reddening of the skin in the treated area.

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It is a treatment that involves several sessions of about 45 minutes each, after which the patient can resume normal activity. In some cases, however, bandaging or rest may be necessary. If the treatment is performed on the face, bio-masks and creams are usually applied to keep the patient comfortable.

The number of sessions will vary for each patient, depending on the number and size of vessels affected, as well as the degree of vascular reactivity. The sessions usually last one or two months and the results are visible from the first one, since about ten days later the size of the lesions begins to reduce progressively.

Preparation for vascular laser

No special preparation is necessary for the vascular laser, but it is important that the skin is not tanned, as it is a laser treatment that applies heat to the skin.

Care after the procedure

After the vascular laser, the specialist usually recommends the use of anti-inflammatory cream to reduce pain or discomfort. In addition, some patients will also need to wear compression stockings. It is important, above all, and whenever a laser treatment is performed on the skin, to avoid exposure to the sun, as well as spaces that raise the body temperature a lot.