Anthropometric study

Anthropometric study

What is the anthropometric study?

The anthropometric study is composed of a series of tests or data of the individual that show aspects and measurements of his body condition and the composition of his organism. In this way we can reveal their general state of health, especially at a nutritional level.

What does it consist of?

The study is based on weight, height, body mass index (BMI), bone structure (circumference of wrist, waist, hip and arm), and bioelectrical impedance analysis (test that allows to know the total body mass to estimate the fat mass and body fat percentage). All this information is complemented with the assessment of the daily energy needs of the subject, depending on their age, sex, daily activity and sporting activity.

Why is it performed?

Anthropometric measurements indicate the different types of body mass and the percentage of each of them in the total weight. Thanks to these measurements, the body’s reserves can be assessed and the levels that need to be modified can be established. In addition to helping to detect problems such as overweight or malnutrition and serve to adapt diets to the personal needs of each individual, especially in slimming diets.

Anthropometry has been established as a first line tool in the diagnosis of the levels of organic reserves: protein, the relationship between muscle mass and skeletal mass; and caloric, the relationship between fat and skeletal mass.

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Preparation for the anthropometric study

In order to carry out the anthropometric study, it is not necessary to prepare in some way or take some kind of consideration.

How do you feel during the test?

As the tests are simple and do not involve overexertion, the patient will only feel pressure during the performance of certain techniques.

Meaning of abnormal results

In case of requiring some kind of altered value indicating obesity or overweight, increased cholesterol, triglycerides or blood glucose, hypertension, hypothyroidism, malnutrition or underweight or fluid retention will be recommended to follow some kind of diet or take certain measures. It will also be necessary to control those cases in which alterations are detected in postoperative locomotor system, during pregnancy, post-partum and lactation, during menopause and andropause, in infant-juvenile development and in high-performance athletes.

If you need an anthropometric nutritional evaluation, you can buy it online and choose the laboratory closest to you.