
What is dermatomyositis?

Dermatomyositis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the muscles and the presence of skin rashes. Symptoms may include pain and stiffness in the muscles, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing food and skin rashes, among others.

There are some variants of this pathology such as paraneoplastic dermatomyositis, associated with cancer, and juvenile dermatomyositis, which, as its name suggests, affects children.

Prognosis of the disease

Depending on the degree of the disease it is possible to combat it with the administration of some drugs, although if it has evolved to the development of arthritis or a tumor, the treatment will be more complex and the prognosis will always depend on the patient’s situation and how the treatment evolves. In any case, it is advisable to see a specialist so that he/she can make the diagnosis as soon as possible and apply the treatment that he/she deems appropriate in each case.

Symptoms of dermatomyositis

The symptoms are:

– Rashes or red skin eruptions on the knuckles, around the eyes, on the elbows, knees and on the chest or back.

– Muscle swelling

– Muscle weakness

– Arthritis

Medical tests for dermatomyositis

Diagnosis is complicated, as the symptoms may be confused with other pathologies, and may vary from one person to another. The specialist must first check the patient’s medical history and perform a physical examination. On the other hand, he must also resort to performing a blood test, an electrocardiogram showing the electrical pattern of the muscles and a biopsy of the same to detect the change in the muscle tissues.

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Early diagnosis is important to treat the symptoms of dermatomyositis in time.

What are the causes of dermatomyositis?

It is a pathology of unknown cause, although some researchers indicate that it may occur in genetically susceptible patients who have been exposed to certain chemicals, viruses or other infectious agents. Moreover, it may be associated with other diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.

Can it be prevented?

The causes are uncertain, so it is difficult to establish an exact protocol on what habits should be followed to avoid suffering from dermatomyositis. In any case, it is always advisable to see a specialist as soon as possible if the patient detects that he/she may suffer from any of the symptoms that develop this pathology.

Treatments for dermatomyositis

The treatment of dermatomyositis consists of the prescription of corticosteroids and medications that suppress the immune system, as well as the recommendation of moderate physical exercise, heat treatments and rest. If the condition is associated with cancer, known as paraneoplastic dermatomyositis, treatment consists of removal of the tumor.

Medications for dermatomyositis

Medications to treat dermatomyositis are corticosteroids, glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants, since it is an autoimmune pathology. In any case, it will always be the specialist who will decide, depending on the degree of the disease and the patient’s history, what type of drug to give to the affected person.

Which specialist treats it?

As it is a pathology with varied symptoms, experts from different specialties are also involved. The rheumatologists will treat the patient if the disease causes arthritis and the dermatologists will be in charge of rashes and redness of the skin. On the other hand, if the disease is associated with a tumor, the oncology specialist will be in charge of the patient’s treatment and follow-up.